Drug-Induced Nutrient Deficiencies

If you are taking one or more medications and aren’t feeling your best, contact us to learn about drug-induced nutrient deficiencies.

It might surprise you how many health concerns, both temporary and chronic, can be traced to diet and nutrient deficiencies. What often happens when you first seek out medical advice is that you are given a medication to treat whatever symptom you are having. Unfortunately, there are many medications out there that, while resolving one problem, create another.

Mary Ann Coffey, R.Ph, CCN worked in a pharmacy for 15 years and saw first-hand the reality of drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. She realized that it was time to make a change and opened Boutique Wellness. With a licensed clinical pharmacist and board certified in clinical nutritionist on your side, you can have confidence that you will get answers to your questions about how to get the nutrients you need to feel better and be healthier in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Our patient-centered, individualized, focused care enables us to optimize safe medication use through genetic testing and optimize your health through nutrition, supplementation, exercise, and mindfulness.

Every patient is different, and our programs are not intended to eliminate drugs that you need for health conditions. However, by addressing drug-induced nutrient deficiencies, the goal is for these drugs not to undermine your health while they are helping it. On the flip side, there are situations in which the objective is to reduce dependence on certain drugs. For example, with proper sugar control and weight loss, many diabetes patients find themselves needing less medication or even none at all. If you are on several medications, we can utilize pharmacogenetics to help you avoid medications that may cause you side effects and replacing them with the right ones for you.

If you are not feeling your best and you are taking one or more medications, we recommend calling us to make an appointment to discuss if you are suffering from drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. It isn’t just how you feel now that is of concern, as long-term deficiencies can have lasting effects. Contact us today to learn more.