Aesthetic Thread Lift

Price ranges from $1,900 - $2,500 depending on how many threads you need and which area you choose to treat.

No Surgery, No Down Time!

A Revolutionary Minimally Invasive Aesthetics Procedure

The AESTHETIC THREAD LIFT is an exciting development in Medical Regenerative Aesthetics. This nonsurgical in-office procedure uses individual threads placed under the skin at the appropriate position and depth resulting in instant lift creating a healthy regenerative response that produces collagen and elastin; thereby, restoring your skin to be more youthful, healthier, and tighter.

Thread placement typically takes less than an hour.

While Botox improves forehead lines and fillers replace lost facial volume, PDO threads make it possible to substantially lift the lower face region; where the loss of collagen is commonly apparent and dermal fillers cannot be used all without surgery. PDO threads are also used to lift the neck eyebrows and are excellent for body contouring and skin lifting and tightening of knees, arms, abdomen, decolletage, and buttocks.

Why Choose PDO Threads at Boutique Wellness?

Our specialized team at Boutique Wellness combines years of experience with a regenerative approach to aesthetics and wellness. We are dedicated to delivering advanced, safe, and tailored care for natural beauty and wellness. Here’s why PDO Threads at Boutique Wellness stand out:

  • Natural-Looking Results: Provides subtle, natural-looking results that lift and tighten sagging skin, reducing the signs of aging.
  • Immediate and Long-Lasting Effects: Experience immediate improvements with results that continue to enhance your appearance over time.
  • Minimal Discomfort and Downtime: Minimally invasive and require little downtime, allowing you to get back to your daily activities quickly.
  • Stimulates Collagen Production: This not only provides instant results but also stimulates collagen production for ongoing skin rejuvenation.

Schedule Your PDO Thread Consultation Today!

Dr. Cleaver Trains Doctors All Over The World On The Placement of PDO Threads – Who better to do yours?


Aesthetic threads are quickly becoming a popular and safe option in Regenerative Aesthetics. It is now possible to obtain immediate visible results by lifting the lower face in addition to lifting the neck and brow. Smooth PDO threads are employed to treat lower eye troughs and to add volume and enhance lips, The treatment is increasingly being used for body contouring on areas of the buttocks, abdomen, knees, and arms.

Combined with micro-needling for skin rejuvenation and natural bio fillers to replace volume loss; aesthetic PDO threads create the added lift resulting in a more youthful, healthy, and vibrant look.

Frequently Asked Questions about PDO Threads

PDO Threads are versatile and can be used to treat various areas, including the face, neck, jawline, and more.

PDO Thread treatments are minimally invasive and typically well-tolerated. Local anesthesia is used to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

PDO Thread results are immediate and can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on factors like the type of threads used and individual skin response.

There may be some mild swelling and bruising, but downtime is minimal. Most people can return to their daily activities shortly after the procedure.

PDO Threads are suitable for individuals with sagging skin, wrinkles, or loss of facial volume. A consultation with our team will help determine your candidacy.

The number of sessions needed varies based on individual goals and the areas being treated. Our experts will create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Yes, PDO Threads can be combined with other aesthetic treatments such as injectables or Sculptra for enhanced results. Your treatment plan will be customized to meet your specific needs.

Pricing for PDO Thread treatments varies depending on the areas treated and the number of threads required. Contact us for a personalized quote.

Ready to experience the rejuvenating effects of PDO Threads at Boutique Wellness? Schedule a consultation with our expert team to discuss your unique needs and goals. We’re here to help you unlock your natural beauty and boost your confidence.

Don’t wait— Contact us today to take the first step toward a more youthful and radiant you with our PDO Thread!