Are You Taking the Wrong Medication? Find Out with Pharmacogenetics

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When pharmaceutical companies develop a medication, they do not consider it a success unless most of the people who take it experience the desired benefit. With years of development and testing, they can finally put it on the market when the percentage of failure is below an acceptable standard. It is important to understand what that means. It means that some people won’t be helped, and some can even be harmed by the medication. Every time you take a new medication, there is a chance it is the wrong medication for you. The reason? You have different genetics than other people.

Pharmacogenetics is a program that makes it a bit less like playing roulette

Pharmacogenetics is a program that makes it a bit less like playing roulette when choosing a medication. You can know ahead of time how your body is likely to respond to more than 200 prescription and even over-the-counter medications. When you put together this innovative approach to medication with a knowledge of herbal remedies, it is possible to reduce adverse side effects and get a better outcome from the medications you find out you can tolerate and that will be helpful.

Mary Ann Coffey, R.Ph., CCN worked as a pharmacist before starting our clinic, Boutique Wellness, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She knows firsthand how beneficial pharmacogenetics is for our patients. It can save you from being one of those people who end up taking additional medications just to counter the side effects of other medications. Let us help you ascertain which medications are going to be more beneficial for you and which are likely to cause side effects. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
